This report summarizes 11,295 survey responses collected in mid-June via the mailing lists of 83 Ontario-based arts organizations that received operating support from the Ontario Arts Council. As [...]
Based on a meeting billed as part of a “global conversation to better understand the challenges and opportunities that the digital environment brings to cultural diversity”, this report [...]
In 2017, Calgary Arts Development conducted an equity, diversity, and inclusion survey of arts organizations in order to ascertain the demographics of artists, workers, and volunteers in [...]
Based on United States census data and data from the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Rural Establishment Innovation Survey (REIS), this report provides “descriptive statistics about rural arts [...]
Statistics Canada’s recent release of Provincial and Territorial Culture Indicators (PTCI) provides estimates of the direct economic and employment impact of the arts, culture, and heritage. The [...]
Based largely on an online survey of 455 women working in Ontario’s music industry, this report covers seven types of positions, of which “artist” is one. Survey respondents included employees of [...]