Thanks to the respondents to our survey: Help shape the future of Arts Insights Canada!
The pilot year of the Arts Insights Canada initiative is coming to an end. The goal of our user survey was to better understand how you are using this research and what your future needs are.
Our sincere thanks go out to the 100 people who responded to the user survey. We will integrate your thoughts into our planning for the future of Arts Insights Canada.
We are very pleased that 96% of respondents to our user survey agreed that our research is of high quality, and 91% agreed that our work makes a real impact on the arts sector. Regarding new distribution methods that we asked users about, a solid majority reported interest in all three: webinars (70%), video summaries (60%), and peer learning / discussion sessions (56%).
Respondents provided suggestions for improvements, including working to increase the availability of our information and to improve our summaries (e.g., “presentations by you at all conferences, visits to sectoral and regional meetings, etc.” and “getting the information in smaller chunks … with a slightly different take-away”). Others asked us to work toward solutions, beyond highlighting important issues (e.g., “Make more recommendations. Maybe have some field leaders digest and make recommendations.” And “offer insight into the hows and wherefores of moving forward”, possibly as a follow-up to the reports).