Arts education / Arts participation by young people
Volume 18 No 1 / May 29, 201929 May 2019
In this issue: Four reports from Canada, the United States, and Ireland related to the situation of school-based arts education, the effects of arts education and youth arts experiences, and young people’s cultural participation.
Investigating Causal Effects of Arts Education Experiences
Arts Research MonitorBased on “a randomized controlled trial with 10,548 3rd-8th grade students” at 42 schools in Houston, this report provides causal evidence that arts education “experiences can produce significant positive impacts on student academic and social develo… View this resource
Arts Education 2018
Arts Research MonitorBased on a survey of 1,244 elementary and secondary schools in 70 of Ontario’s 72 school boards, this report highlights the situation of the arts in Ontario schools in 2018. The report notes that “despite the widely recognized importance of arts educ… View this resource
Designing for Engagement: The Experiences of Tweens in the Boys & Girls Clubs’ Youth Arts Initiative
Arts Research MonitorBased on qualitative and quantitative data from site visits, focus groups with participants and their parents, staff surveys, participant attendance data, and a survey of youth outcomes, this report finds that access to high-quality arts programs hel… View this resource
Arts and Culture Participation Among Children and Young People: Insights from the Growing Up in Ireland Study
Arts Research MonitorBased on data from the longitudinal Growing Up in Ireland (GUI) study, this report examines arts and cultural participation among three, five, nine, and 13-year-olds, including structured activities (e.g., lessons and outings in music, dance, and dra… View this resource
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