Arts management and funding
Volume 12 No 9 / February 26, 201426 February 2014
In this issue: Four reports on arts sector structures related to artists, arts management, and arts funding, including articles on the “next generation” of arts practice, new organizational models in the arts, and the resilience of the arts sector. While these reports do cite some research sources, they should be considered position papers more than research articles per se (unlike most works included in the Arts Research Monitor).
Choreographing Our Future: Strategies for Supporting Next Generation Arts Practice
Arts Research MonitorBased on the author’s research and personal immersion “over the past three years in the complexities of arts support systems and their relationship to contemporary practice”, this report argues that “we need to realign our art… View this resource
Shared Platforms and Charitable Venture Organizations
Arts Research MonitorWith explosive growth in the arts over the past two decades (demonstrated by a sharp increase in the number of organizations supported through operating funding from the Canada Council for the Arts), this report argues that “it is increasingly… View this resource
The Art of Resilience, The Resilience of Art
Arts Research MonitorThis paper, based on two discussion sessions in the summer of 2013 with a total of 36 participants, argues that culture must be included “as an essential fourth dimension of resilience and livability”, in addition to environmental, social… View this resource
Building a Resilient Sector
Arts Research MonitorBased on his consulting experience with many American arts organizations, the author of this opinion piece outlines myths and realities about innovation in not-for-profit arts organizations. For the author, “innovation is a newly emerging, orga… View this resource
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