
Impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on the arts

Volume 19 No 1 / June 23, 202023 June 2020

Situation of artists and arts organizations

In this issue: Insights into the impacts of the coronavirus pandemic on the arts and culture, based on four Canadian and American surveys.


Impacts of COVID-19 on Canadian Artists and Independent Cultural Workers

Arts Research Monitor

A dashboard of results from a large Canadian survey of artists and independent cultural workers is regularly updated at, where the survey – open until February 2021 – can also be accessed. This interim report summarizes survey results a… View this resource

Early COVID-19 Impacts on OAC-Funded Arts Organizations

Arts Research Monitor

In early April, the Ontario Arts Council conducted an online survey of organizations that had received either a project or an operating grant over the previous two years, with the objective of gathering “some high-level indicators of the early impact… View this resource

Impacts on Montreal’s cultural sector: Coronavirus (COVID-19) questionnaire

Arts Research Monitor

Two fact sheets summarize the early results of separate surveys on the impacts of COVID-19 on Montreal artists and cultural organizations. The individual artist summary, dated March 27, indicates that there were “over 300” survey responses from both… View this resource

The Economic Impact of Coronavirus on the Arts and Culture Sector

Arts Research Monitor

This regularly updated dashboard summarizes findings from American surveys related to the financial impacts of the novel coronavirus on the arts and culture sector. At the time of writing, the surveys had received 13,960 responses from organizations… View this resource

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