Volume 15 No 2 / May 25, 201625 May 2016
In this issue: A focus on recent music research, including the impacts of live music in Ontario, international music development strategies, an Australian report on the economic impact of live music, and an analysis of orchestra subscription strategies in the U.S.
Reimagining the Orchestra Subscription Model
Arts Research MonitorBased on a survey of over 4,000 orchestra attendees and “the largest ever orchestra sales dataset” from 44 American orchestras and one Canadian one (the National Arts Centre Orchestra), this report examines “why people subscribe, wh… View this resource
The Economic & Cultural Value of Live Music in Australia in 2014
Arts Research MonitorEmploying a cost-benefit analysis (based on a national consumer survey, venue owner and operator interviews, and secondary data on the sector), this report attempts to provide “a valuation of the economic, social and cultural contribution… View this resource
The Mastering of a Music City
Arts Research MonitorThis report, based on a literature review, over 40 expert interviews, and two international focus group sessions, aims to provide a “roadmap” for the development of music, especially the commercial music sector, in municipalities of any s… View this resource
Live Music Measures Up: An economic impact analysis of live music in Ontario
Arts Research MonitorBased largely on a survey of 372 companies in Ontario’s live music sector, this report attempts to identify the impacts of live music on Ontario’s economy, employment, and communities. The report also endeavours to serve as a benchmark fo… View this resource
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