

Volume 12 No 6 / October 23, 201323 October 2013

In this issue: Four recent reports examining various aspects of the music business, including policy options for music and economic development, the effects of music and music education on technology hubs, and two reports on the independent music industry in Canada.


The Next Big Bang: A New Direction for Music in Canada

Arts Research Monitor

This report from Music Canada, a non-profit trade organization that promotes the interests of its members and their artist partners, provides strategies for supporting the growth of Canada’s commercial music industry, which the report calls… View this resource

Music – A Catalyst for Technology Hubs and Innovative Talent

Arts Research Monitor

Based on interviews with 14 technology professionals as well as a literature review of evidence related to music and skills development, this report (supported by Music Canada) contends that rich music environments help attract high-technology jobs t… View this resource

Sound Analysis: An Examination of the Canadian Independent Music Industry

Arts Research Monitor

Based largely on a 2011 survey of 502 music company representatives and 1,094 artists in Canada’s independent music industry, this report attempts to “determine the breadth and scope of the Canadian-owned, independent music industry as a… View this resource

Networks and place in Montreal’s independent music industry

Arts Research Monitor

This academic article examines how Montreal’s historical and cultural attributes influence the development of networks among musicians and other workers in the city’s independent music industry. The study is based on 46 interviews with mu… View this resource

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