Kiran Ambwani
Kiran Ambwani’s Can-Asian Artistic Resilience project: Photography in solidarity with the Asian community
From the beginning of the lockdown, Kiran Ambwani wanted to use her Can-Asian Artistic Resilience…
re:Naissance Opera
Orpheus VR project: Pushing the limits of opera
Orpheus VR “stemmed out of my own love for video games,” said Debi Wong. As a more traditiona…
Laïla Mestari
Fille de foin/Hay Girl, a bold partnership between Laïla Mestari and the LOBE artist centre
The partnership between Laïla Mestari and the LOBE artist centre is an example of audacity, resi…
Video Pool Media Arts Centre
Video Pool Media Arts Centre: Nurturing community of care to impact change in the artist-run centre model
Like many artist-serving organizations, Video Pool Media Arts Centre (VP) faced challenges to con…
Festival of Literary Diversity
The Festival of Literary Diversity: Nimble and expansive thinking
When the pandemic hit in March 2020, the FOLD quickly transitioned to a virtual festival in May. …
rice & beans theatre
rice & beans theatre: Yellow Objects
Originally a stage play, the text of Yellow Objects was transposed into a digital installation to…
Afros In Tha City
Afros In Tha City Media Collective: Centering Black voices and experiences in Calgary and beyond
In the context of the pandemic and the Black Lives Matter movement, the writing collective signif…