Call for 4 no-fee presentations in 2011-12
Please submit brief proposals by Sept. 19
As part of the Statistical Insights on the Arts series, Kelly Hill will conduct four presentations in 2011-12 for no speaking / preparation fee. The speaking fee (covering preparation time) is funded by the Department of Canadian Heritage, the Canada Council for the Arts and the Ontario Arts Council in conjunction with their funding of the Statistical Insights on the Arts series.
Presenting organizations must pay for travel and accommodation expenses related to attending the event.
Priority will be given to presentations based on the findings from recent or forthcoming Statistical Insights on the Arts reports, including topics such as:
- Children’s participation outside of school in the arts and reading in 2008 (forthcoming report, October 2011, including an analysis of changes from 1998)
- Consumer Spending on Culture in 2008 (report released November 2010)
- Patterns in Performing Arts Spending in Canada in 2008 (report released January 2011)
- Who buys books and magazines in Canada? (report released March 2011)
- Volunteers in Arts and Culture Organizations (report released March 2010).
- Individual Donors to Arts and Culture Organizations (report released February 2010).
Other priorities for the no-fee presentations include:
- conducting presentations in various parts of the country.
- supporting artists, arts organizations and associations by providing them with up-to-date information on the arts sector.
- reaching business groups, politicians and other “decision-makers” who want more information about the arts and culture in communities.
- presentations with national (or at least regional) impact.
We are seeking brief proposals for four “no-fee” presentations between October 2011 and March 31, 2012. The four no-fee presentations will be chosen by Hill Strategies, the Department of Canadian Heritage, the Canada Council for the Arts and the Ontario Arts Council.
Please send your brief proposal (1 or 2 pages is fine), containing the following information, via email to info@hillstrategies.comby 5 PM Eastern time on Monday, September 19, 2011:
- Proposed name and date of meeting / conference / event
- Session information (length? plenary or workshop?)
- Expected number of attendees and background of expected attendees (e.g., artists, arts organizations, business people, politicians, etc.)
- Potential impacts of the presentation (i.e., what you expect attendees to take away from the session)
Presentations can be conducted in English, French or in both official languages.
Presentations are generally treated as “mini-research projects”, involving customized preparation and background research.