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Entertainment Barometer: Segmentation of entertainment consumers in Quebec in times of COVID-19

Edition 3, July 2020

September 9, 20209 September 2020

Arts attendance and COVID-19

Habo and

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Conducted between June 16 and 30, this survey reached a total of 1,009 Quebec residents 18 years or older who had purchased tickets from for “shows, festivals and events across Quebec” during the past 3 years. As noted in the report, “quotas were introduced to build a sample comparable to the structure of Quebec’s population in terms of gender, age and region of residence”. However, a margin of error cannot be applied to the survey results “due to the non-probability nature of the sample”.

The researchers created five consumer segments based the behaviours and attitudes of respondents, including their “relationship to entertainment, level of concern about COVID-19, personality, etc.” A profile of each segment is provided in the report.

“Socials”, the largest segment (31% of entertainment consumers in Quebec), participate in “the most common forms of entertainment, namely restaurants and movies, and look for activities they can share with others…. Entertainment does not play a very big role in the life of Socials.” Having “little concern about COVID-19”, social attendees would “feel comfortable returning to entertainment activities within the next 3 months”. (Three months from the late June survey timeframe would be late September.) They look positively on cancellable and refundable tickets.

“Occasionals” (22%) “consume entertainment activities to relieve stress and be transported outside their everyday lives”, particularly “intellectual” activities “such as museums, exhibitions, classical music concerts, etc.”. Having a high level of concern about COVID-19, “they will be the last to return to entertainment activities” (average wait of 4.3 months). In addition to refundable tickets, mitigation strategies for occasional attendees could include hand sanitizer, controlled access, timed access, and physical distancing.

“Aficionados” (18%) frequently attend a large range of activities and see entertainment as playing a particularly important role in their lives. Aficionados will “be among the first to return” to entertainment activities (average of 2.7 months). For this group, important mitigation strategies include refundable tickets, disinfected venues, controlled access, and hand sanitizer.

“Partiers” (15%) appreciate activities at “bars, nightclubs, sporting events, festivals and amusement parks”. Predominantly men and younger than other segments, partiers are “the least worried about COVID-19 and will be the first to return to entertainment locations” (average of 2.4 months). In addition to refundable tickets, partiers would be interested in controlled access and disinfected venues.

“Familials” (14%) are particularly interested in activities involving their whole family, such as “aquariums, zoos or comedy shows”. Predominantly women, this group is the most anxious about COVID-19 and “will be among the last to return to entertainment activities” (average of 3.6 months). Important mitigation strategies include refundable tickets, disinfected venues, hand sanitizer, and a “limited number of people” at venues.

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