
Arts and digital technologies

Volume 16 No 2 / May 31, 201731 May 2017

In this issue: Recent research examining the arts and digital technologies, including Canadian reports on the arts in general and the performing arts in particular, along with findings from a survey of American arts organizations’ digital marketing.


2015 Arts Industry Digital Marketing Benchmark Study

Arts Research Monitor

Based on a survey of digital marketing in 130 American arts organizations, this report indicates that “organizations invested more in digital [in 2015], but challenges around funding and expertise limited digital effectiveness”. Theatres… View this resource

Digitizing the Performing Arts

Arts Research Monitor

In a context where “a sizeable group of Canadians” have “identified mediated performance experiences as equal to attending live performances in person”, this report provides an initial assessment of challenges and opportunitie… View this resource

The Arts in a Digital World

Arts Research Monitor

Based on a survey completed by 907 arts organizations and 2,680 artists in Canada, this report examines “the impact of digital technologies on the creation, dissemination and business practices of individual artists and arts organizations in Ca… View this resource

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