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Volunteers in Arts and Culture Organizations in Canada in 2004

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January 17, 200717 January 2007

Canadian arts and culture organizations rely on volunteers to fulfill many roles, including serving on boards of directors, organizing events, working in gift shops and performing various administrative tasks. In 2004, volunteers accounted for almost 75% of the overall workforce in not-for-profit heritage organizations and over 40% in non-profit performing arts companies.

The key findings of a Hill Strategies Research report on volunteers in cultural organizations in 2004 are:

* Nearly three-quarters of a million volunteers, a record number, assisted Canadian cultural organizations in 2004;
* Territorial, Saskatchewan and B.C. residents are most likely to volunteer;
* A significant number of hours is contributed by each cultural volunteer;
* There is strong competition for volunteers from other non-profit sectors;
* Increased visibility is needed for cultural organizations to recruit more volunteers; and
* Highly educated and single Canadians are more likely to volunteer in cultural organizations than other demographic groups.

The report provides a summary of the number of volunteers in each province as well as rough estimates of the number of volunteer hours, full-time equivalent jobs, and value of volunteer labour by region. Regional and provincial summaries are also available below.

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